In general, the design of the graphic design process from conception to production is as follows
The diagram is sometimes also be applied to other visual peancangan midwives such as: architecture, textiles / fasion, multimedia products and others. The design process is not the only many other diagrams depending designers and case
in more detail can be described as follows
1. Finding information needs
infirmasi gathering is the first step of the process of graphic design, we have to meet with clients to discuss the scope of work in general, Pastika also memngumpulkan as much information as possible at the meeting
- The client's needs?
- Target
- Products that will be created (logo, brochure advertising the website, vidio etc.)
- How many types
- The message behind the manufacture of the product
- How many types
- Anggran kusus
- Deadline for completion
- How the philosophy of the brand / logo of the brand companiesTARGET AUDIENCEdesigning the first time we have to know who that is expected see our design, we as designers should not be targeted design for everyonebecause the people here are very diverse from infant children until people know, and therefore we must know the target audience or segment in the heading karna will help us choose the style of design, styleThe following is a segmentation klafikasi / target audience
A. Geography
B. Demographics
C. psychographic
D. Conduct2. Make frameworksThis stage is important so that no setback or repetition of concepts or desire that have been agreedOutline project while dealing with time until the deadlineeg like this. frameworks and thinking that in pour into sheets called Creative Brief3. Looking for ideas creatifThis is the main selling points of a designer. Creative iti is making that has never existed, how?A. Road Road / survey comparative studyof course unutek know that has never existed we must know that ever existed therefore we have a lot to pick out the surveyB. Brainstormin / Swap mindAnother way is to get creative ideas ngbrol relaxed with clients and groups while accommodating their own ideasC. Reading BooksThe book is a source of ilmunyang in use since ancient times to the presentD.Doodle / Drawing sketcheswith coarat streak can cause an idea or creative ideas4. Sports Data
Data in the form of text or images to be our first choice and selection.
Data can be informative data (photos of text or title) or the aesthetic of data (picture frame ornaments, bacground image effects / field)
the task of the designer is to combine the data ekstetis imfortif and data into a single unit that is sent
the task of the designer is to combine the data ekstetis imfortif and data into a single unit that is sent
- What age segment of your work will be displayed, if the use of bright ABG would be suitable if the elderly use black and white
- First specify the color bacground
- Take the color of the most dominant color dataLayoutUsha layout is to compile Unsu arrange graphic elements (text and images) become effective communication media6. Productionproduction does things that can be terpisa of designs that do not karana designer but another operator, but without them you design just a dream.Therefore it is necessary to know the extent bagimana and constraints in the production process so that your design realistic and efficient in terms of price.besides knowing the technique of production designers can compare your design with the first printout in proofingif the color and other graphical components no problems then design ready to multiply.
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