A. Definition Layout / LayoutLayout in the layout language has meaning.
Meanwhile, according to the term, the layout is an attempt to compose, arrange, or combine elements or elements of graphic communication
(text, images,
tables, etc.) to make visual communication communicative, aesthetic and
attractive. Here necessary consideration while designing an information that is as effective as possible. The main goal is the layout display picture elements and text to be
communicative in a way that allows the reader receives the information
2. ContrastAre necessary in order to attract attention, giving emphasis to the elements or the message to be conveyed. Here are tips that can draw attention to the messages to be delivered, using bold and italic style in the body of the text, choose the font display more attractive, use contrasting colors, textures in the background, enlarge a specific part you want highlighted.
3. BalanceOne thing that is very important in the delivery of information. The balance can be a formal balance, with a symmetrical arrangement. Symmetrical arrangement which can give the impression that a formal, seimabang, trustworthy and well-established. Otherwise asymmetrical arrangement is often used to describe a dynamic, energy as well as messages that are not formal.
4. HarmonyThe purpose of the harmony is to have harmony between the elements of the other graphic elements. Harmony can be manifested in two forms, namely:a. Harmony in terms of shapeHarmony seen from the form in which there is harmony in the placement of graphic elements. It can be seen in terms of shape and size whether it cards, stickers, posters and so on. Selection of shape also has an important role as the design for what purpose it was made.b. Harmony in terms of colorColor has enormous influence, because each color has its individual, such as red which means bold, blue has the impression of calm and so forth. Refer back to the purpose of the design have been made, because the accuracy in selectingcolors can make the information in it to be more effective.
5. stressingIn terms of the language is referred to as an emphasis, has a function to provide specific points that gained focus. Streesing more directed to a focal point or eye catching in a publication. On a piece of graphics allow for more than one stressing, however must be distinguished which will be the main focus of attention so as not impressive scramble that eventually create a message in it becomes ineffective.
2. The Golden SectionIn the field of graphic arts, the great proportion of the basis for the manufacture of paper sizes and the principle can be used to draw up the balance of a design. Grand proportions has been found since ancient times to present the proportions are perfect and beautiful. Dividing a line with a ratio close to the ratio 8: 13 means that if the lines are longer divided by the shorter line result will be the same as the division of the whole length of the line before being cut with longer lines earlier. Grand proportions also known in terms of the Fibonacci series of numbers that series of numbers that every number is is the result of the sum of the two previous numbers and start from zero. This number sequence has a ratio of 8: 13 is the ratio of noble proportions. This number is often used in the measurement of building, architecture, artwork, letters to the layout of a page because the proportions are harmonious. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ...
3. The symetrical gridIn a symmetrical grid, would be contrary to the right of the page exactly like the mirror image of the left page. This gives the two the same margin both outer margin and margin within. To keep the proportions, outer margin has a wider field. Classic layout pioneered by Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) a German typographer is based on the size of the page with the proportion of 2: 3.
B. Principles Associated with Layout
1. SimplicityThis principle relates to the ability of the grasp of the average man in receiving the information. Instinctively people want simplicity in receiving information. But in simplification should also pay attention to the segment to whom it will be delivered.2. ContrastAre necessary in order to attract attention, giving emphasis to the elements or the message to be conveyed. Here are tips that can draw attention to the messages to be delivered, using bold and italic style in the body of the text, choose the font display more attractive, use contrasting colors, textures in the background, enlarge a specific part you want highlighted.
3. BalanceOne thing that is very important in the delivery of information. The balance can be a formal balance, with a symmetrical arrangement. Symmetrical arrangement which can give the impression that a formal, seimabang, trustworthy and well-established. Otherwise asymmetrical arrangement is often used to describe a dynamic, energy as well as messages that are not formal.
4. HarmonyThe purpose of the harmony is to have harmony between the elements of the other graphic elements. Harmony can be manifested in two forms, namely:a. Harmony in terms of shapeHarmony seen from the form in which there is harmony in the placement of graphic elements. It can be seen in terms of shape and size whether it cards, stickers, posters and so on. Selection of shape also has an important role as the design for what purpose it was made.b. Harmony in terms of colorColor has enormous influence, because each color has its individual, such as red which means bold, blue has the impression of calm and so forth. Refer back to the purpose of the design have been made, because the accuracy in selectingcolors can make the information in it to be more effective.
5. stressingIn terms of the language is referred to as an emphasis, has a function to provide specific points that gained focus. Streesing more directed to a focal point or eye catching in a publication. On a piece of graphics allow for more than one stressing, however must be distinguished which will be the main focus of attention so as not impressive scramble that eventually create a message in it becomes ineffective.
C. Grid Layout
1. Grid SystemA grid was created as a solution to the problems of the arrangement of visual elements in a space. Grid systems are used as a tool to facilitate creating a visual composition. Grid system via a graphic designer can make a systematic way in order to maintain consistency in doing reps of a kompisisi already created. The main purpose of the use of grid systems in graphic design is to create a design that is communicative and aesthetically satisfying.2. The Golden SectionIn the field of graphic arts, the great proportion of the basis for the manufacture of paper sizes and the principle can be used to draw up the balance of a design. Grand proportions has been found since ancient times to present the proportions are perfect and beautiful. Dividing a line with a ratio close to the ratio 8: 13 means that if the lines are longer divided by the shorter line result will be the same as the division of the whole length of the line before being cut with longer lines earlier. Grand proportions also known in terms of the Fibonacci series of numbers that series of numbers that every number is is the result of the sum of the two previous numbers and start from zero. This number sequence has a ratio of 8: 13 is the ratio of noble proportions. This number is often used in the measurement of building, architecture, artwork, letters to the layout of a page because the proportions are harmonious. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ...
3. The symetrical gridIn a symmetrical grid, would be contrary to the right of the page exactly like the mirror image of the left page. This gives the two the same margin both outer margin and margin within. To keep the proportions, outer margin has a wider field. Classic layout pioneered by Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) a German typographer is based on the size of the page with the proportion of 2: 3.
D. Organizing LayoutA layout that is both easy to follow and provide a clear
focus to the
audience for help so you can easily find their way through publications,
presentations or web pages. Organize and emphasize your information to make your message as clear as possible. Decide
what you want the reader to see or read the first position and it is
appropriate, then decide what you want the reader to read or look at
next. The
quality of your layout determines how fast your readers will be
directed through the rapid publication and how they will be able to read
it. Guidelines for Organizing Layouts:
1. Using a variety of sizes for different elements.
2. Establish a hierarchy of types of sizes for main, subheads, text, and others in accordance with the format.
3. All major formats together, all of the text to be formatted the same, etc.
4. Making the most pentingagar elements that audiences can find the great thing in the small things.
5. Using rules (lines) to separate information into the group.
6. Use different fonts jenisketebalan.
7. Use the blank spaces for the purpose of design in the publication.
8. Information important position in the upper left corner. In the upper left corner is usually read first. Put a box around important information.
9. Give the bullet on those items that are important.
10. Use color reverse (white type on a dark background) to separate or emphasize.
General guidelines for Layouts:
1. Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or your website before you start Layout.
2. Create a basic message that will be delivered and spatial planning in the vicinity.
3. Choose the appropriate type of media (web pages, presentations, print books, newsletters, or brochures, etc.) and sizes.
4. Identify the target audience, then write and design publications, presentations, or web site to always be in the minds of audiences.5. Taking into account their interests, reading level, background
1. Using a variety of sizes for different elements.
2. Establish a hierarchy of types of sizes for main, subheads, text, and others in accordance with the format.
3. All major formats together, all of the text to be formatted the same, etc.
4. Making the most pentingagar elements that audiences can find the great thing in the small things.
5. Using rules (lines) to separate information into the group.
6. Use different fonts jenisketebalan.
7. Use the blank spaces for the purpose of design in the publication.
8. Information important position in the upper left corner. In the upper left corner is usually read first. Put a box around important information.
9. Give the bullet on those items that are important.
10. Use color reverse (white type on a dark background) to separate or emphasize.
General guidelines for Layouts:
1. Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or your website before you start Layout.
2. Create a basic message that will be delivered and spatial planning in the vicinity.
3. Choose the appropriate type of media (web pages, presentations, print books, newsletters, or brochures, etc.) and sizes.
4. Identify the target audience, then write and design publications, presentations, or web site to always be in the minds of audiences.5. Taking into account their interests, reading level, background