
Minggu, 08 November 2015

Layout In Design Grafis

A. Definition Layout / LayoutLayout in the layout language has meaning.  

Meanwhile, according to the term, the layout is an attempt to compose, arrange, or combine elements or elements of graphic communication
(text, images, tables, etc.) to make visual communication communicative, aesthetic and attractive. Here necessary consideration while designing an information that is as effective as possible. The main goal is the layout display picture elements and text to be communicative in a way that allows the reader receives the information presented.

 B. Principles Associated with Layout 

1. SimplicityThis principle relates to the ability of the grasp of the average man in receiving the information. Instinctively people want simplicity in receiving information. But in simplification should also pay attention to the segment to whom it will be delivered. 
2. ContrastAre necessary in order to attract attention, giving emphasis to the elements or the message to be conveyed. Here are tips that can draw attention to the messages to be delivered, using bold and italic style in the body of the text, choose the font display more attractive, use contrasting colors, textures in the background, enlarge a specific part you want highlighted.
3. BalanceOne thing that is very important in the delivery of information. The balance can be a formal balance, with a symmetrical arrangement. Symmetrical arrangement which can give the impression that a formal, seimabang, trustworthy and well-established. Otherwise asymmetrical arrangement is often used to describe a dynamic, energy as well as messages that are not formal.
4. HarmonyThe purpose of the harmony is to have harmony between the elements of the other graphic elements. Harmony can be manifested in two forms, namely:a. Harmony in terms of shapeHarmony seen from the form in which there is harmony in the placement of graphic elements. It can be seen in terms of shape and size whether it cards, stickers, posters and so on. Selection of shape also has an important role as the design for what purpose it was made.b. Harmony in terms of colorColor has enormous influence, because each color has its individual, such as red which means bold, blue has the impression of calm and so forth. Refer back to the purpose of the design have been made, because the accuracy in selectingcolors can make the information in it to be more effective. 
5. stressingIn terms of the language is referred to as an emphasis, has a function to provide specific points that gained focus. Streesing more directed to a focal point or eye catching in a publication. On a piece of graphics allow for more than one stressing, however must be distinguished which will be the main focus of attention so as not impressive scramble that eventually create a message in it becomes ineffective.

 C. Grid Layout

 1. Grid SystemA grid was created as a solution to the problems of the arrangement of visual elements in a space. Grid systems are used as a tool to facilitate creating a visual composition. Grid system via a graphic designer can make a systematic way in order to maintain consistency in doing reps of a kompisisi already created. The main purpose of the use of grid systems in graphic design is to create a design that is communicative and aesthetically satisfying.
 2. The Golden SectionIn the field of graphic arts, the great proportion of the basis for the manufacture of paper sizes and the principle can be used to draw up the balance of a design. Grand proportions has been found since ancient times to present the proportions are perfect and beautiful. Dividing a line with a ratio close to the ratio 8: 13 means that if the lines are longer divided by the shorter line result will be the same as the division of the whole length of the line before being cut with longer lines earlier. Grand proportions also known in terms of the Fibonacci series of numbers that series of numbers that every number is is the result of the sum of the two previous numbers and start from zero. This number sequence has a ratio of 8: 13 is the ratio of noble proportions. This number is often used in the measurement of building, architecture, artwork, letters to the layout of a page because the proportions are harmonious. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ... 
3. The symetrical gridIn a symmetrical grid, would be contrary to the right of the page exactly like the mirror image of the left page. This gives the two the same margin both outer margin and margin within. To keep the proportions, outer margin has a wider field. Classic layout pioneered by Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) a German typographer is based on the size of the page with the proportion of 2: 3.

 D. Organizing LayoutA layout that is both easy to follow and provide a clear

focus to the audience for help so you can easily find their way through publications, presentations or web pages. Organize and emphasize your information to make your message as clear as possible. Decide what you want the reader to see or read the first position and it is appropriate, then decide what you want the reader to read or look at next. The quality of your layout determines how fast your readers will be directed through the rapid publication and how they will be able to read it. Guidelines for Organizing Layouts:
1. Using a variety of sizes for different elements.
 2. Establish a hierarchy of types of sizes for main, subheads, text, and others in accordance with the format. 
3. All major formats together, all of the text to be formatted the same, etc.
4. Making the most pentingagar elements that audiences can find the great thing in the small things. 
5. Using rules (lines) to separate information into the group.
6. Use different fonts jenisketebalan.
7. Use the blank spaces for the purpose of design in the publication. 
8. Information important position in the upper left corner. In the upper left corner is usually read first. Put a box around important information. 
9. Give the bullet on those items that are important. 
10. Use color reverse (white type on a dark background) to separate or emphasize.
General guidelines for Layouts: 
1. Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or your website before you start Layout.
2. Create a basic message that will be delivered and spatial planning in the vicinity.
3. Choose the appropriate type of media (web pages, presentations, print books, newsletters, or brochures, etc.) and sizes. 
4. Identify the target audience, then write and design publications, presentations, or web site to always be in the minds of audiences.5. Taking into account their interests, reading level, background

Psychological effects of Color Giving Impression

In a media display, the color has a very important role for graphic design, because the color has a psychological effect on the beholder and can give the impression of a certain impression. Therefore, before making the design we have to give the impression to be displayed in the design of the design. Here are some of the psychology of color and its effect on the graphic designRed, meaning the color red is a warm and positive psychological, color is very interesting and calls for immediate action. In the sense of color psychology color red stands for energy, passion, action, strength and joy.The color red stimulates the physical senses such as appetite, desire and sexual arousal. Although it is often used to express love, the meaning of the color red color is related to sexual desire and lust - pink is associated with romantic love than the color red.The red color represents the masculine energy, while the softer version, the color pink, associated with feminine energy. Red, universal sign of danger and warning, can also display and make aggressiveness and anger, especially when used excessively in the wrong application.Psychologically red stimulates and energizes the body, including the nerves and blood circulation, increase blood pressure and heart rate. It stimulates the appetite and thus is the dominant color to be used for any food-related products and services, including restaurants and food businesses who do not eat take-out place alias.Red color excites and motivates but more can cause anxiety and fatigue. It also has a negative connotation associated with blood, war and violence.The most complementary color pairs and balancing the red color is light blue (turquoise), although green or blue can also create balance.Orange color, meaning the color orange is a warm color, vibrant and flamboyant. This is the energy that is combined with fun, color for the risk takers, the extrovert and uninhibited. In psychology orange color means adventure, optimism, self-confidence and socialization.Psychologically orange gives vitality, inspire and create enthusiasm. It stimulates the appetite and social conversation and therefore the color orange is functioning properly at restaurants and other food outlets. This can be achieved by using some form of orange in decoration, such as furniture or lighting. It does not have to be a bright orange color - salmon, coral, terracotta, and other versions of the orange would work well. An expensive restaurant will look more elegant with the color orange. Combine the color of eggplant, purple, or blue for a unique look, contemporary and classy.Psychologically, the orange color gives the impression of affordability, depending on the selected color and combination with other colors. Orange too much can be imaged cheap price. Softer than the color red, orange symbolizing a more feminine energy and energy creation.Yellow color, meaning the color yellow is the color that is warm and happy that creates a sense of excitement and curiosity play. Psychologically, yellow means optimistic and cheerful spirit, lightens the spirit. Yellow color stimulates the logical side of the brain and mental clarity. It encourages wisdom and academic ability. This inspires original thinking and creative ideas.
Psychologically yellow stimulates the mind and mental activity. This improves the analysis process and our logical reasoning, assist in decision making. Too much yellow can cause anxiety, restlessness, fear, agitation and confrontation, especially in people who are stressed. The yellow color can motivate people to be overly critical and judgmental, as well as deceptive.Brown, brown psychological meanings attributed to the strength and solidarity, comfort and grounded, maturity and reliability.Psychologically brown color gives people a better certainty and comfort or feeling of dirtiness and shortness of breath. Brown color associated with the acquisition of property, which means security and safety, comfort and simplicity. The brown color indicates durability, and stability tasks. It is associated with nature, practical and down-to-earth and the family unit.Many men love chocolate because of security, strength and practicality. Sometimes brown are considered as neutrals, although a lighter version of it, such as beige and taupe tend to work better as a neutral background rather than the more dark brown shades. Be aware that many, especially women, find chocolate becomes dull and too earthy, even dirty.White color, meaning white in color psychology is a new beginning. It is a blank canvas waiting to be written. While white is not stimulating to the senses, this will pave the way for the creation of whatever the mind can asilkan.Psychologically calming white color because it creates simplicity, organization and efficiency of the chaos. This clears the way forward. The basic features of the white color is equality, justice and implies impartiality, neutrality and independence. It is a soothing color helps create order and abilities.White color amplifies everything and if too much can give the impression of sterility, disinterest, and cold. White color is useful in a business where cleanliness is essential, such as dental clinics and health centers, but these businesses need some green or pink to aid in healing and to create an atmosphere of calm and the atmosphere of concern in caring for patients.Gray color, gray color sense is a conservative color signifies neutrality, indifference.Psychologically gray can drain your energy, it would be depressing or encouraging, depending on how much light and white to gray. Dark gray are more miserable than light gray.Gray color serves as a nice backdrop for other colors because it does not attract attention, allowing other colors to stand out.Gray color suggests the security, reliability, simplicity, maturity. This may mean that you can not make a decision, passive, that you do not have an opinion on anything. Gray color much less energy, but inconclusive or calming, not stimulating or interesting, fun or invite. Need to be combined with other colors to give passion, energy and life.Black, black color sense means the authority, power and control. In many situations can be intimidating, unfriendly and difficult to approach. Alternatively, it can be seen as sophisticated, dignified and serious.The black color is psychologically intimidate and control, although its power can instill confidence. The black color creating an atmosphere of mystery and secrecy. In very small quantities it can increase strength and confidence without being overpowering.The black color favored by the market young people aged between 16 and 25, who are still trying to discover the identity of their identity and recognition. They are achievement-oriented and ambitious also support Black color.

The black color board and written on it in red, emerald green, magenta, or bright blue, or gold, silver or white will make a dramatic impression. Packaging black color can make the item look expensive and weighty.

Graphic Design Principles

Previously we have to know what components can paka in graphic design such as line, shape, color, texture light, illustrations etc, is now much longer we will compose the principles of web design principles that we added bagsu and moral message conveyedA. Harmony (Harmony)Alignment is a design principle is defined as the regularity of the order among the parts of a work. Harmony in the design of the formation of the elements of balance, order, unity, and mix each complementary and weigh. Harmony (harmony) acts as a safety factor to achieve harmony throughout the draft presentation.B. proportionality (Proportion)Proportionality (proportion) is a comparison between the relationship with the other part or parts of the whole element.Proportionality can be reached by showing the relationship between:1. An element with another element,2. Elements field / space with dimensions of field / space,3. The dimensions of the field / space itself.In the graphic communications, all elements contribute to determine the proportion, such as the presence of bright color that is placed on the field / narrow or small spaces.C. Rhythm (Rhythm)Cadence (rhythm) we can feel. Rhythm occurs because of the repetition on the field / space cause we can feel the perakan, vibration, or movement from one element to another element. The repetition of motion and invites the eye to follow the direction of the movement that occurs in a work.D. Balance (Balance)
The main purpose of a work DISKOMVIS is interesting views. Visual communication design as a medium of communication that aims to transfer information clearly at once aesthetic requires a state of balance in the elements in it.Balance is a simple form of symmetrical balance that impressed the official or formal, while the asymmetrical balance seem more informal and dynamic.The balance is influenced by many factors, among others factors where the position of an element, a fusion between elements, the size of the elements, and the presence of parliaments on the extent of the field.The balance will occur when the elements are placed and arranged with a sense of harmonious or equivalent. In other words, if the weight of the following elements are arranged to give the impression of a steady and precise in place.E. Emphasis (Emphasis)In every form of communication there is some substance or idea that more needs to be displayed from the others. The main purpose in giving emphasis (emphasis) is to direct the reader to a view that is highlighted. Emphasis can be achieved such as changing the size, shape, rhythm and direction of the elements of the design work.In the creation of the design should not stand all the elements are there, in terms of equally strong, so it looks crowded and information or what will be presented / communicated would be unclear. Emergence of emphasis is the communication strategy.

Components of Graphic Design

Design that emphasizes function without beauty / aesthetics will not pull so uncommunicative. 'interesting' or 'beautiful' can be assessed by using eye (birth) or the heart (inner). you could be interested in (candidate) can post as first sight (eyes) or personality (heart). beautiful design can be attractive because it is seen or creative concept. the beauty of which is discussed in more ditekankakn on the ability of the eye as an appraiser in order to attract the eyes (eye catching) the necessary knowledge of the elements / components in graphic design, among others: 1. line 2. 3. shapes of color, texture and light 4. illustration / drawing 5. font / typeface 6. (space)all of it in komposisikan design principles include: 1. Balance 2. accord / harmony of proportion and scale 3. 4. 5. rhythm unityGRAPHIC DESIGN COMPONENTS1. LINESin fact 'line' that does not exist. if you think it is a line of hair, look with a microscope, the hair looks and consists of many cells with organic forms. tericpat outline of the differences of color, light or differences in the distance.but in graphic design, a line is defined as a set point in the Tile memenjang. line in computer graphics software is often called outline (coreldraw), countour or stroke (adobe photoshop). any kind of line has a different character and atmosphereeach line psychological impression / perception of its own. ie lines that form the 'S'. often felt something soft, smooth and supple. compare with lines that form a 'Z' impressed firm and rigid. This occurs because the feeling we equate with a curved shape like a sexy body shape or waves in the seain line orientation, consisting of:1. The horizontal straight linegiving the impression: ketenagan suggestions or things that do not move

2. The vertical straight line

giving the impression: stability, strength or grandeur

3. The straight line sloping diagonal

giving the impression: unstable, something that moves or dynamics

4. The curved line (curve)

giving the impression of: elegance, refined

the combination of these lines will produce other lines as follows:

A combination of horizontal and vertical lines:

giving the impression: formal, sturdy, firm

A combination of diagonal lines:

giving the impression: conflict, war, hate, ban



forms also called shape, resulting from the lines are arranged in such a way. there form shaped 2-dimensional (two-dimensional) and 3-dimensional (trimarta). each form has its own meaning.

depending on the culture, geography etc. example; triangle could symbolize the concept of trinity (father, mother, child) but in Egypt the triangle symbolizes the symbol of femininity (womanhood)



image in graphic design can be divided from the types of methods:

1. Manual

manual / hand drawing / drawing hand. by using tools such as pencil, air brush, brush, paint, markers etc. suitable for the manufacture of concepts, sketches, ideas caricatures, comics, paintings etc. To move into the digital format needed a tool such as a scanner or digital photos

2. Computerized

using a computer, you can create an image as a vector (coreldraw) or bitmap (adobe photohsop) vector format consisting of the coordinates, perfect remedy from logo creation and line-art images. bitmap format is composed of pixels, suitable for photos



Each color has its own characteristics. the colors we can communicate our designs to the audience effectively. Color psychology can widely be learned in other chapters in this BLOG.

GRAPHIC DESIGN COMPONENTS5. TEXTTypography is the art of choosing and arranging the letters in space to create a special impression, so that the reader will be able to read as much as possibledevelopment of typography has developed from manually / by hand (hand drawn) to use a computer. with a computer, the use of typography becomes easier and faster with the letters varied choice. even so in the choice of font / font should be noted that the character of the products will be in the highlight and also the character of its market segment.The types of fonts even so much but remains in the following categories:1. Letters without hooks (sans serif)does not have a latch / hook, only the stems and stalks alone. for example arial, tahoma2. The case relates (serif)has a hook / hook on its end, for example: times roman, Garamond3. The letter writing (script)each letter intertwined like handwriting, for example: brushscript, mistral, shelley4. decorative letterseach letter is made in detail, complex and complicated, for example: initial Augsburger etc.5. monospaceshape can be the same as sans serif or serif font, but the distance and space each letter is the same, for example: courrier, Monotype Cursive, OCRGRAPHIC DESIGN COMPONENTS6. ROOMthe space we can feel far away - close, high - low, long - short, empty - solid, large - small etc.The size is relative. 'Great' according to you is not necessarily the sam adengan 'Great' according to others. these measures comes as no comparison.if the room is filled with goods. of course we need to be difficult to move because of circulation space. so did the graphic design, we need a space to place graphical components such as images, text, etc. but do not spend space designthus the empty space does not mean useless space or space that must be filled, instead of empty space is a component of graphic design. by utilizing the space we design looks more digestible. focus making it more communicative and interesting.